Helm chart to create postgres tenant clusters managed by the CNPG Operator
Name | Url | |
cloudymax | https://github.com/cloudymax/ |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
backup.barmanObjectStore.destinationPath | string | "backups" |
backup.barmanObjectStore.s3Credentials.accessKeyId.key | string | "ACCESS_KEY_ID" |
key in Kubernetes Secret to use for S3 access key ID |
backup.barmanObjectStore.s3Credentials.accessKeyId.name | string | "aws-creds" |
existing Kubernetes Secret to use for S3 access key ID |
backup.barmanObjectStore.s3Credentials.secretAccessKey.key | string | "ACCESS_SECRET_KEY" |
key in Kubernetes Secret to use for S3 secret key |
backup.barmanObjectStore.s3Credentials.secretAccessKey.name | string | "aws-creds" |
existing Kubernetes Secret to use for S3 secret key |
backup.retentionPolicy | string | "30d" |
how long to keep backups for |
bootstrap.initdb.database | string | "app" |
initial database to create |
bootstrap.initdb.owner | string | "app" |
owner of the initial database that is created above |
bootstrap.initdb.postInitSQL | list | ["CREATE ROLE friend"] |
list of SQL commands to run as part of the init scripts |
bootstrap.initdb.secret.name | string | "app-secret" |
certificates.clientCASecret | string | "my-postgres-client-cert" |
name of existing Kubernetes Secret for the postgresql client Certificate Authority cert |
certificates.replicationTLSSecret | string | "my-postgres-client-cert" |
name of existing Kubernetes Secret for the postgresql client TLS cert |
certificates.serverCASecret | string | "my-postgres-server-cert" |
name of existing Kubernetes Secret for the postgresql server Certificate Authority cert |
certificates.serverTLSSecret | string | "my-postgres-server-cert" |
name of existing Kubernetes Secret for the postgresql server TLS cert |
instances | int | 3 |
monitoring.enablePodMonitor | bool | true |
enable monitoring via Prometheus |
name | string | "cnpg" |
postgresql.pg_hba | list | ["hostnossl all all reject","hostssl all all cert clientcert=verify-full"] |
records for the pg_hba.conf file. ref: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/auth-pg-hba-conf.html |
scheduledBackup.name | string | "example-backup" |
name to use for your scheduled backup job |
scheduledBackup.spec.backupOwnerReference | string | "self" |
scheduledBackup.spec.cluster.name | string | "pg-backup" |
scheduledBackup.spec.schedule | string | "0 0 0 * * *" |
crontab style schedule to run the backups |
storage.size | string | "1Gi" |
how much storage to allocate to the postgresql cluster |
superuserSecret.name | string | "superuser-secret" |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.3