
Matrix Chart

A Helm chart for deploying a Matrix homeserver stack on Kubernetes.


See the for docs auto-generated from the values.yaml.

Read through the parameters and modify them locally before installing the chart:

# add the helm repo locally
helm repo add matrix

# downloads the values.yaml locally
helm show values matrix/matrix > values.yaml

# install the chart
helm install my-release-name matrix/matrix --values values.yaml

Current Features ✨

Optional Features

⚠️ Optional Features (Untested Since Fork)

These features still need to be tested, but are technically baked into the chart from the fork:

About and Status

This is a fork of Arkaniad/matrix-chart, which is a fork of typokign/matrix-chart. We recently transferred this chart from @jessebot to the small-hack org to help with maintanence longterm :) Working on full stability, but always happy to receive GitHub Issues or PRs 💙

Our goal is to provide regular updates using renovatebot and provide some level of basic security from a k8s perspective. We’re also trying to standardize the chart more by following predictable values.yaml patterns.

Note: We may stop supporting this if a larger entity maintains a better quality matrix chart (e.g. Bitnami releases a matrix helm chart), as then we’ll just write PRs directly to them. At that time we’ll put in a note in this README before publicly archiving the repo. As of right now though, in October 2023, there are no other actively maintained matrix helm charts for matrix that meet all our needs or are regularly updated to justify creating PRs.