

Version: 0.10.0 Type: application AppVersion: v0.21.2

A Helm chart to run HA Netmaker on Kubernetes

[b]Chart source[/b]:


Name Email Url


Repository Name Version
oci:// postgresql 15.1.2


Key Type Default Description      
affinity object {} optional affinity settings for netmaker      
api.ingress.annotations object {} annotations for the netmaker API ingress object      
api.ingress.className string "nginx" api ingress className      
api.ingress.enabled bool true attempts to configure ingress if true string "api.cluster.local" api (REST) route subdomain      
api.ingress.tls list [] ingress api tls list      
api.service.port int 8081 port for API service      
api.service.targetPort int 8081 targetport for API service      
api.service.type string "ClusterIP" type for netmaker server services      
dns.enabled bool false whether or not to deploy coredns      
dns.persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce"        
dns.persistence.existingClaim string "" existingClaim, if not set, defaults to HELM.RELEASE.NAME-dns string "1Gi"        
dns.persistence.storageClassName string ""        
externalDatabase.database string "netmaker" postgress db      
externalDatabase.existingSecret string "" use existing secret for netmaker db credentials, must have the following keys: SQL_PASS, SQL_HOST, SQL_PORT, SQL_USER, SQL_DB string "external.postgres.url" postgres host      
externalDatabase.password string "" postgres pass for netmaker user. ignored if existingSecret is set      
externalDatabase.port int 5432 postgres hosts port      
externalDatabase.type string "postgresql"        
externalDatabase.username string "netmaker" postgres username      
fullnameOverride string "" override the full name for netmaker objects      
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Pull Policy for images      
image.repository string "gravitl/netmaker" The image repo to pull Netmaker image from      
mq.affinity object {} optional affinity settings for mqtt      
mq.existingSecret string "" name of an existing secret to use for mq password. If set, ignores mq.password, mq.username secret keys must be: MQ_PASSWORD, MQ_USERNAME      
mq.generateCert bool false        
mq.ingress.annotations object {} annotations for the mqtt ingress object      
mq.ingress.className string "nginx"        
mq.ingress.enabled bool true attempts to configure ingress if true string "broker.cluster.local" hostname for mqtt ingress      
mq.ingress.tls list [] ingress tls list      
mq.password string ""        
mq.replicas int 1 how many MQTT replicas to create      
mq.service.port int 443 port for MQTT service      
mq.service.targetPort int 8883 Target port for MQTT service      
mq.service.type string "ClusterIP" type for netmaker server services      
mq.tolerations object {} optional tolerations settings for mqtt      
mq.username string "netmaker"        
nameOverride string "" override the name for netmaker objects      
netmaker.enterprise object {"licenseKey":"","tenantId":""} if using enterprise edition fill out this section      
netmaker.enterprise.licenseKey string "" netmaker enterprise license key, ignored if netmaker.existingSecret set      
netmaker.enterprise.tenantId string "" netmaker enterprise tenant ID, ignored if netmaker.existingSecret set      
netmaker.existingSecret string "" if set ignores netmaker.masterKey and enterprise.* must have key called MASTER_KEY, optionally for enterprise must have key: LICENSE_KEY, NETMAKER_TENANT_ID      
netmaker.jwtDuration int 43200 Duration of JWT token validity in seconds      
netmaker.masterKey string "netmaker" ignored if netmaker.masterKeyExistingSecret is set      
netmaker.oauth.azureTenant string "" azureTenant if using azure for oauth - ignored if netmaker.oauth.existingSecret is set      
netmaker.oauth.clientID string "" client id if using oidc - ignored if netmaker.oauth.existingSecret is set      
netmaker.oauth.clientSecret string "" client secret if using oidc - ignored if netmaker.oauth.existingSecret is set      
netmaker.oauth.enabled bool false        
netmaker.oauth.existingSecret string "" existing secret for oauth, must have the following keys: CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, OIDC_ISSUER, and optionally AZURE_TENANT ignores plane text values if this is set      
netmaker.oauth.issuer string "" oidc issuer - ignored if netmaker.oauth.existingSecret is set      
netmaker.oauth.provider string "oidc" AUTH_PROVIDER: must be one of: azure-ad github google oidc
netmaker.racAutoDisable string "true" Auto disable a user’s connecteds clients bassed on JWT token expiration      
netmaker.serverName string "cluster.local"        
podAnnotations object {} pod annotations to add      
podSecurityContext object {} pod security contect to add      
postgresql.auth.database string "netmaker"        
postgresql.auth.existingSecret string "" use existing secret for netmaker db credentials, must have the following keys: SQL_PASS, SQL_HOST, SQL_PORT, SQL_USER, SQL_DB      
postgresql.auth.password string ""        
postgresql.auth.primary.persistence.enabled bool true        
postgresql.auth.username string "netmaker"        
postgresql.enabled bool true        
replicas int 1 number of netmaker server replicas to create      
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account      
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" Name of SA to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template      
setIpForwarding.enabled bool true        
shared_data.persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteMany"        
shared_data.persistence.existingClaim string "" name of existing PVC claim to use. if set, storageClassName is ignored string "128Mi"        
shared_data.persistence.storageClassName string ""        
tolerations object {} optional tolerations settings for netmaker      
turn.apiHost string ""        
turn.enabled bool false use an external turn server      
turn.existingSecret string "" existing secret with turn server info. Must have the following keys: TURN_SERVER_HOST, TURN_SERVER_API_HOST, TURN_PORT, TURN_USERNAME, TURN_PASSWORD string ""        
turn.password string ""        
turn.username string ""        
ui.ingress.annotations object {} annotations for the netmaker UI ingress object      
ui.ingress.className string "nginx" UI ingress className      
ui.ingress.enabled bool true attempts to configure ingress if true string "dashboard.cluster.local" hostname for mqtt ingress      
ui.ingress.tls list [] ingress tls list      
ui.replicas int 1 how many UI replicas to create      
ui.service.port int 80 port for UI service      
ui.service.targetport int 80 target port for UI service      
ui.service.type string "ClusterIP" type for netmaker server services      

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.13.1