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Default Installed Applications

Version is the helm chart version, or manifest version. See the Default Applications tab for more info on each application.

Application Description Initialization Supported
metallb logo, blue arrow pointing up, with small line on one leg of arrow to show balance
Loadbalancer and IP Address pool manager for metal
nginx logo, white letter N with green background
The ingress-nginx controller allows access to the cluster remotely, needed for web traffic
cert manager logo
For SSL/TLS certificates
argo CD logo, an organer squid wearing a fishbowl helmet
Argo CD
Gitops - Continuous Deployment
argo CD logo, an organer squid wearing a fishbowl helmet
Argo CD Appset Secret Plugin
Gitops - Continuous Deployment
ESO logo, outline of robot with astricks in a screen in it's belly
external-secrets-operator integrates external secret management systems like Bitwarden or GitLab
ESO logo, again
Bitwarden ESO Provider
Bitwarden external-secrets-operator provider
Zitadel logo, an orange arrow pointing left
An identity provider and OIDC provider to provide SSO
Vouch logo, the letter V in rainbow
Vouch proxy allows you to secure web pages that lack authentication e.g. prometheus
Prometheus logo, a torch
Prometheus Stack
Prometheus monitoring and logging stack using loki/promtail, alert manager, and grafana

Minor Notes:

All Default Applications can be disabled through your ~/.config/smol-k8s-lab/config.yaml file, except Argo CD. You can still choose not to install it, but if not installed, smol-k8s-lab will only install: metallb, nginx-ingress, and cert-manager

Optionally Installed Applications

Application/Tool Description Initialization Supported
cilium logo
Kubernetes netflow visualizer and policy editor
GoToSocial logo, a cute little sloth smiling
GoToSocial is a self hosted federated social media site, that is slimmer than Mastodon.
home assistant logo, which is a small blue house with three white tracers inside of it, making it appear as though the home is a circuit board
Home Assistant
Home Assistant, a self hosted, at home IoT management solution.
kyvero logo
Kubernetes native policy management to enforce policies on k8s resources
kepler logo
Kepler (Kubernetes Efficient Power Level Exporter) uses eBPF to probe energy-related system stats and exports them as Prometheus metrics.
k8up logo, a minimalist logo of a small blue hill with line starting the right going into the hill
Backups operator using [restic] to backup to s3 endpoints
k8tz logo, the k8s logo but with a watch in the center instead of the ship wheel
Timezone environment variable injector for pods and cronjobs
netmaker logo, a purple letter N
Netmaker is a self hosted vpn management tool
nextcloud logo, 3 white circles touching eachother on a blue background
Nextcloud is a self hosted file server
Mastodon logo, a white M in a purple chat bubble
Mastodon is a self hosted federated social media site
Matrix logo
Matrix is a self hosted chat platform
minio logo, a minimalist drawing in red of a crane
Self hosted S3 Object Store operator
peertube logo, 3 triangles stacked togehter like the triforce, the top is black, the bottom left is gray, and the bottom right is orange. It's tilted on it's side and the space in the center is white
Self hosted video hosting site, much like YouTube, but federated and FOSS
seaweedfs logo,
Self hosted S3 Object Store

There are plenty more on the side bar, and you can even add your own :)