Ingress Nginx

ingress-nginx needs no introduction, but that won't stop us! ingress-nginx is an Ingress controller for Kubernetes using NGINX as a reverse proxy and load balancer. We use it, instead of traefik, because we know nginx, you know nginx, and none of us have time to learn traefik (but that could change in the future 🤷).

screenshot of the Argo CD web interface for the ingress-nginx-helm application in tree view mode. it's children include a configmap, service, and deployment all named ingress-nginx-controller, and then a service account, cluster role, cluster role binding, and role binding all called ingress-nginx. There's a lot of children, so bare with me. There's also a service called ingress-nginx-controller-admission, a validating web hook configuration called ingress-nginx-admission, and an ingress class called nginx. the deployment has two replica sets as children with one of them having a single pod as it's child. Sorry to those using screenreaders having to digest this.

smol-k8s-lab will install ingress-nginx by default with no special options. If you're using kind, we install it initially via manifests, and if you're using k3d/k3s, we initially install it via helm.

No matter the distro, Argo CD takes over managing ingress-nginx using our ingress Argo CD Application which also bundles cert manager.


Do not confuse ingress-nginx with nginx-ingress. They are confusingly named, but ingress-nginx is a project by Kubernetes. nginx-ingress is a project by NGINX. They're both Ingress controllers for Kubernetes, but the latter has paid features and the former does not. Googling for docs is a bit awful 🤦