K8s Distros
The "k8s distro config" screen is the first screen you will see in the TUI when creating a new cluster:
Select Kubernetes Distro
To choose a distro, select one from the drop down Select in the first box. You can do this either with your mouse, or by hitting enter and then using the arrow keys to select a distro before hitting enter.
Configuring control plane and worker nodes
If you're using k3d
or kind
, you can deploy clusters with more than one node. By default we will always deploy one control plane node, but you can adjust this number as well as how many workers we use.
Extra options for k3s or k3d
If you're using k3d or k3s, you can adjust what k3s options are passed into the k3s config file.
Extra options for kind
If you're using kind, you can modify both the networking and kubelet configuration options.
Modify existing options
To modify an option, just change the text in any of the input boxes (you can click them, or navigate them with the tab
If you'd like to pass in multiple values for an option, use a comma separated list, e.g. disable: traefik, servicelb
To delete an option, use click the 🚮 button next to the input field.
Add new options
To add a new option, you can click the "âž• k3s option" link at the bottom of the box, or you can use the a
hot key. This will bring up a modal screen with an input field for the new option.
Enter the name of the new option you'd like to add.
If you try to input an option that already exists, it will throw an error and make a bell sound. If you want to add an option that is already there, consider instead adding the extra values as a comma separated list.
To turn off bells, visit the TUI config screen
Add Nodes to k3s clusters (🆕 in v3.0)
The ability to other metal nodes to your cluster is exclusively to k3s in smol-k8s-lab. To add a new node in the TUI, make sure k3s is selected via the dropdown on the distro config screen. In the second box on the screen, there are three tabs, the final tab called "Add Remote Nodes" is the one you want to click. You can also use the left and right arrow keys to navigate the tabs.
Once there, you should see a list of any existing nodes you've added via your config file.
If you haven't added any clusters to your config file, you will see a random ascii art from a time in the past. The second half of the tab has a small form for you to add new nodes: